The Countdown Begins

The Countdown Begins

My husband and I made the final decision yesterday that I won’t be returning to work once my maternity leave starts (end of July) and will be staying home with the kids! Now that we’ve made that decision it’s quite scary. We’ve already notified our son’s daycare, and I have a feeling one reason I woke up at 2am and couldn’t back to sleep is because subconciously I’m trying to plan out telling my boss.

Budgeting is figured out and entered in a budgeting software, and checking accounts will be merged by mid-month (just waiting for all the bills under auto-payment to go through to make sure no error happens). Final steps over the next couple months will be:

  • Calendar of auto-payment schedule
  • Making any additions to the budget that we’ve forgotten
  • Start learning & activity plan for Carlin

Any tips and tricks for someone new to the stay-at-home life?